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Sekai • 2 years ago

Is this called terrorism? What the BO did

LesK • 2 years ago

nope, not a really good technique at all. plus, it's not possible. ok so far we've seen 1 in the flower pot to Mr. Black, 1 in the three boxes in the delivery guy's hands in the lobby, 1 in the fruit basket in the guy's room, and multiple other deliveries. every bomb there is chock full of evidence. the C4 in each one will have chemical tracers placed in the explosives by the manufacturers that are specifically catalogued by various government agencies around the world. if the FBI team can get into a good lab one tiny ball of C4 taken off each bomb would be able to trace... hmm... probably within an hour... where all that came from, when it was made, and when it was last catalogued in somebody's inventory. oh unless the BO just owns the entire group of factories that made the C4 and those kinds of factories are heavily inspected and regulated. unless the factories are in countries with crap infrastructures filled with bribery and such.

plus all the timers, wires, detonators, everything has to come from somewhere. then there's the amount of time the BO had to make all these bombs. less than 24 hours? nope. not possible. unless they've got an illegal bomb factory cranking them out JIC they're needed. way way too stupid to think that hmm? Gin gets on the phone, "Hey Boss, Yes, Send over 100 of those mass produced C4 bombs we have in storage. Oh, while i'm on the phone with you. I need one firebombing near this hospital, one noxious gas attack, and multiple locations with food poisoning cases."

Helene Trøstrup • 2 years ago

To be honest... I wouldn't be surprised if they actually had people make bombs for them. I'm not sure how the whole logistics thing would work but if they have scientists working for them for other purposes, it's not really a long shot that they have explosive experts too.

Michelle Keppler • 2 years ago

I would like to remind you that in the world that detective conan exists in it is ridiculously easy to get a gun in japan apparently which is not something you can say about this world, plus from many other things you can see that they aren't looking at the likelyhood or ease of which these events take place when they write the story. Also it is important to note that no matter how smart of a show it is the target audience they are writing for is 6-10 years old, they aren't going to go to heavily into realism in that regard as it would take away from the story they are trying to tell

LesK • 2 years ago

a small bit of info before i start. i've been watching anime since 1990. yes i'm in my middle 40's. i was also in law enforcement for 14 years and i've got two college degrees in criminal justice an AS and a BS. i've been studying the Japanese criminal justice system as a hobby for almost as long as i've been interested in anime. yet, i'm not an expert merely a fairly informed lay-person. so i'm well versed in how insanely anti-private gun ownership the general populace of Japan has been for over 50 years. i'm also very well versed in the laws and regulations concerning gun ownership by the average citizen of Japan. i started watching Conan this March and i am as of today up to episode 1015. i've also seen Conan Movies 1-24.

ok as to your specifics:

1 bullcrap. i draw your attention to, unfortunately i forget which specific episode it is. a woman coerces a man to kill himself with a firearm. it is her firearm, inside her home where she stored said firearm, and she was not present at her home the entire day. this episode gives verbal proof from Detective Inspector Megure and other MPD officers on how the 'Conanverse' gun-laws operate. it is a 100% 1 for 1 parallel with RL Japanese law. so no, it is NOT easy to get a firearm in the Conanverse Japan.

2 Aoyama himself, the mangaka, has often stated in interviews that he writes his manga with as much realism and research as he can possibly get. he has many advisors, friends, and fans amongst law enforcement in Japan and quite a few foreign helpers too. he doesn't just 'make this stuff up' in his head 100% and draw/write it. yes he fictionalizes for his stories, yes he makes many things fantastical or impossible in reality, but the baseline settings of the 'Conanverse' are realistic.

3 Conan is published in Shonen Sunday. the shonen age bracket STARTS at 10 and goes UP TO 18-year-old males. so sorry this isn't a manga for little kiddies. lil kids manga in Japan is NOT PERMITTED BY DECENCY LAWS to put gruesome murders in it.

4 this arc is called the Clash of Red and Black, it encompasses ep491-504 and is sourced from manga chapters 585-609. so these episodes are canonical.

5 my comments were specifically about the C4 bombs and the vast numbers of them 'possibly' being delivered to the hospital and the firebombing, noxious gas attack, and multiple food poisoning locations. i said nothing about firearms to begin with.

thanks for your input though. i hope i've helped you learn a little. :)

bari • 2 years ago

nice strategy from black org

bruce • 11 months ago

a very nice strategy from the black organization , oh man this is gonna be a good one

Abridged Kirito • 1 year ago

Reckless driver Andre Camel back at it again

t3y • 1 year ago

I am rewatching BO episodes. Agent Camel here is so much different from the agent camel in the recent episodes, idk what happened hdfgsjk they dumbed him down so much

strange guy • 1 year ago

First time seeing jodie have a weird reaction like this considering she isn’t like this